Legacy Gifts

If you have questions or are interested in discussing how giving through your Will or Trust might work for you, please contact us at: [email protected]

Or write to us at:

CommonSpace CLT
1809 Cooper Road
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Sample Language for Wills or Trusts:

CommonSpace Community Land Trust (CSCLT) STRONGLY encourages you to work with an attorney anytime you are creating or making changes to your estate plan. Should you decide to craft your own or are curious what the gifting language might look like, here is an example:

 “I, _____________ (your name) , give the real property commonly known as and located at _________________ (property address), described on the deed as ___________ (exact description of the property as it reads on the deed), to CommonSpace Community Land Trust for the benefit of CommonSpace Community Land Trust, to further the purposes and objectives of the Land Trust in providing affordable housing to low-income Sonoma County residents.”

C ontact us to discuss your donation!

Corporate Gifts

Do you want to contribute to providing affordable housing for Sonoma County’s workforce?

Matching charitable contributions by employers and donations from business entities will help make affordable housing a reality for the workers who support our economy.

CommonSpace Community Land Trust (CSCLT) continues to look for corporate donors who can contribute grants, materials and items to help build, furnish and landscape new affordable homes.

Give Cash and Securities

Donate cash or securities to CommonSpace Community Land Trust (CSCLT) to fund future acquisitions of real property.

Donations of cash or securities (i.e., stock or mutual fund shares) are a powerful way to help the Land Trust fulfill our mission. With this gift the Land Trust will be in a better position to purchase properties that become available, thereby removing those properties from the speculative real estate market.