North Bay Area residents are facing a housing crisis.
The times are Changing
Renters are unable to afford rent increases and homeowners fear foreclosure through economic uncertainty.
The cost of displacement
In the North Bay Area and beyond, people are forced to commute farther distances to their jobs and schools, adding more carbon to the atmosphere, straining public infrastructure and increasing cost of living.
The pursuit of Dignity
Housing is a basic human right.
Equity for all
Local lands can be de-commodified to provide homeownership for low-income, native and BIPOC residents.
Support community resilience.
Affordable Housing
CommonSpace partners with communities in Sonoma County to increase access to affordable housing.

We remove land from the speculative market in perpetuity, providing attainable access to land, quality housing, sustainable agriculture and woodland, cooperative communities and cottage industries.

We develop practices that steward, preserve, protect and heal the natural environment – its land, air and water.

We provide information, resources, replicable models and expertise to the general public.